Welcome to our CISO 360 Global Congress!

Save the dates for the 9th edition of this flagship event, 18-20 June 2025. Further information about the new event will be available soon. 

This years’ 8th CISO 360 Global Congress was hosted on 19 – 21 June 2024 at the wonderful Hôtel Dieu InterContinental Marseille in France.

Driving Resilience and Trust in Cybersecurity: The CISO Life Toolkit for Value Creation

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Marseille played host to strategic conversations with CISOs and cybersecurity luminaries from around the world in the summer of 2024.

Created and hosted by Pulse Conferences, the 8th CISO 360 Global Congress brought together CISOs and international cybersecurity leaders for a veritable show-stopper.  We heard what plans CISOs are making, what drives them and where their journeys are heading as we benchmark cybersecurity strategies, tactics and tools. We will challenge ideas during  case stories, journeys, fireside chats, table think tanks, and of course the infamous CISO 360 Roundtable (19 June afternoon opener!). We made professional friends during the many evening networking receptions, dinners, tour by boat and cultural experiences that were an integral part of the CISO 360 Congress experience!

Key themes 2024 included:

* AI, Quantum, Crypto 360: Pace and preparations
* Collaboration 360: How can we work better together
* Evolution 360: CISO purpose, mission and scaleup
* Resilience 360: Holistic security, intelligence, threat landscape and mitigations

Read more about the 2024 International Speaker Panel, an impressive list that included the BBC’s Security Correspondent, Frank Gardner OBE. CISOs and subject matter specialists compared and shared how they are leading teams and driving their businesses forward, and visions for the future. Their journeys, predictions and stories will span AI, Quantum Computing, cryptography, OT/ IoT, cloud, cyber geopolitics, supply chain, detection, response and recovery, human security, culture, privacy, robotics. 

  • Be Inspired – Connect, innovate and leave reinvigorated for positive action. Sit with peers who you know are largely facing a similar set of risks and opportunities
  • Build Trusted Contacts in the International Community – Benchmark in a trusted environment with fellow CISOs, senior practitioners and business, risk, technology luminaries
  • Stay Future Facing – Learn from business executives, risk managers and technology luminaries outside the security ‘echo chamber’
  • Be Part of Collaborative Projects – Engage in meaningful interactions with CISOs, innovators, investors and luminaries

Agenda at a Glance Timings.

Frank Gardner OBE
Security Correspondent

Jelena Matone
European Investment Bank

Nicola Sotira 
Head of CERT
Poste Italiane

Sybil Kleinmichel    
Managing Expert Cyber Security DACH
Hays AG   

Carlos Gonçalves
Cyber Threat Intelligence Leader
Banco do Brasil   

Derek Cheng

Lorna Trayan
CISO Advisor 

Jorge Fernandes       
Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobiliarios

Colette Hanley

George Eapen
Group CIO      

Patrick Kane   
Senior Security Director        
Atlas Air            
United States

Dr. Leila Taghizadeh
CISO IberoLatAm

Michael Colao         
Chief Underwriter – Cyber Risks   
AXA XL       

Michael Beaupre            
Head of Cyber Security           
Hays AG            

Sandip Wadje
MD, Global Hd Emerging Technology Risks
BNP Paribas            
UK / France

“The people are amazing. CISO 360 gathers the best of the best – the organisations that came here, the speakers are fantastic, the vendors that we can speak to about the products are great. It’s really hard to say no to the Pulse team. I absolutely love them. The talks have been fantastic and piqued my interest. The most interesting contact has been about management, case studies, third-party risk, and AI. The camaraderie that is achieved through the social networking events is fantastic. We went out on the catamaran and, to be honest, I thought I was going to be sick, mainly because of the boat, but it was still so good. Afterwards the meal sponsored by Qualys was fantastic. These are the smallest things that Pulse do for individuals such as myself that they don’t need to do, but they go out of their way just to make us feel comfortable, especially in a new city as well I’ve never been to before, so massive thanks for that.”
Ibraheem Khan, VP Information Security EMEA, at a financial services firm

“I’ve really enjoyed the conference, I’ve enjoyed meeting people, learning more about what’s top of mind for CISOs and in the cybersecurity space. The sessions have all been great. There is a great CISO 360 community, it’s very tightly knit – we talk to each other a lot, share a lot of experiences, and that’s fantastic.”
Dr. Alex Jaimes, Chief Scientist and SVP of AI, Dataminr

“It’s been fantastic to see innovation and start-ups feature at CISO 360 for the first time. It’s good to see that the CISOs are genuinely interested and coming to talk to us. One of the big pluses of this event is that it’s not all jam packed into one day, and there isn’t that intense hard sell aspect that you typically see, which obviously puts people off. It’s been really good to take things more gently to get to know CISOs and vice versa.”
Gary Penolver, CTO, Quod Orbis

Many Thanks Last Years' 2024 Sponsors

Platinum and Dinner

Platinum and Catamaran Supper

Platinum and Welcome Reception



Strategic Sponsor

CISO 360 Roundtable Sponsor



Networking - Cave Culture

CISO 360 Start Up Innovators

Supporting Organisations

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