Sheraton Park Lane, London

QSC Europe 2024 – New London dates will be announced soon!

CISO Exchange – London

Wednesday 17 May 2023
The Sheraton, Park Lane, London 

We are delighted to announce the next CISO Exchange at QSC London 2023! A select group of CISOs from across industry sectors will again share ideas, strategies and tactics used – what works, what doesn’t, the risks, mitigations, challenges and opportunities that lie within cybersecurity.  

Powered by Pulse Conferences, the CISO Exchange, the open discussions are led by experienced CISOs of large organisations – a truly CISO-driven agenda led by CISOs!

Participants of the CISO Exchange are also welcome to join the wider Qualys Security Conference (QSC) sessions. 

View the official 2023 QSC London Photos & Video 

2023 QSC London

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About CISO Exchange at QSC

CISO Exchange is a dedicated part of QSC, an exchange of expertise and ideas on how to better secure our digital assets and help our companies move into this new Digital Age.

About Qualys

  • 20+ Security apps Evolutionary single agent architecture
  • 10,000 Subscription customers worldwide
  • 8+ trillion Data points indexed elastic in search clusters
  • 2+ trillion Security events per year
  • 6+ billion IP scans and audits per year
  • 5+ billion Kafka messages per day
  • 99.99966% Six Sigma scanning accuracy

Timings at a Glance – CISO Exchange

Qualys Security Conference (QSC) Ballroom, Sheraton Park Lane
Not to be Missed Keynotes and Commentaries, including:

Qualys Vision of a Simpler Security Landscape
Sumedh Thakar. CEO, Qualys

Global Security Landscape Updates
Frank Gardner OBE, BBC’s Security Correspondent & Author

Lunch Ballroom Foyer, Sheraton Park Lane
Networking with CISO peers and 400+ strong QSC participants!

CISO Exchange Tudor Rose Room, Sheraton Park Lane
Open Discussions facilitated by fellow CISOs. Pure benchmarking on priority area topics input by CISOs! 

Reception Ballroom & Foyer, Sheraton Park Lane
Enjoy drinks, canapes and networking – only steps away from the CISO Exchange.

Vulnerability in Numbers

185,446 – universe of all known vulnerabilities
55,186 (29%) – vulnerabilities with exploit available
0.4% – number of vulnerabilities that cause the most risk
37 – the average time to remediation for all compromised assets

Key Themes CISO Exchange 2023

  • The Cyber Race to Keep Up with Digital Transformation

  • Who Owns Risk and the Associated Remediation in your Organisation?

  • Cyber Insurance: Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Premiums

  • Automation: What are the Limits Versus Goals? What are the Risks and Opportunities for CISOs?

Reflections on QSC London 2022

“It was fantastic to have so many people attend. The conference provided the opportunity to learn from one another, share problems, find solutions, and determine industry trends. For example, there was a lot more interest in automation from CISO than I expected. In cyber security, there is no destination – it’s a journey. We are moving in the right direction regarding how we can simplify security and reduce costs. Qualys is leading the way with innovation and solving problems. We’re hoping to continue and strengthen our association with our customers and be there alongside them on this journey.”
Sumedh Thakar, President and CEO, Qualys

“Events like this that allow those involved in cyber security work to discuss these new challenges are vital. How great to have these essential conversations face to face with an amazingly high-quality group of attendees. I have learnt a lot. I am very grateful to Qualys for the invitation to speak. Talking to attendees, I know that they appreciate the effort that has gone into organising this event. The timing has been perfect.”
John Noble CBE, Non-Executive Director, NHS Digital (and former Director at the National Cyber Security Centre)

“In-person events like this are important because we are fighting against groups working together, sharing all that information. We need to do the same. While events like this are not the silver bullet to sharing, they will help build trust. I’m happy to share my thoughts, learnings and challenges, and I’m also happy to receive knowledge from and engage other companies, so events like this are crucial to help start those conversations.”
Craig McEwan, CISO, Anglo American

“It’s been a very informative day. The highlights for me have been seeing a clear vision from Qualys, and a roadmap for its products. It’s great to see some features in the works that we’ve wanted to produce. And then also talking to the product managers and almost challenging them. So that face-to-face interaction is central to the day’s success.”
Ritesh Patel, Digital Security Principal, BP

“It was good to be on stage, and the feedback from the case-study sessions were brilliant. Lots of people have asked me lots of questions. I attended the conference and the superb training day. For somebody who considers themselves quite a competent Qualys user, I learnt an awful lot about some of the newer stuff that I had never really investigated. At the event, the contact building was terrific.”
Glenn Pegden, Security Vulnerability Manager at Sky Betting & Gaming

“It has been a fantastic event – one of the first conferences we can meet people. It is very good to network with people, and I was delighted to have been invited by Qualys to talk about our experiences at the University of Westminster. In particular, it was fascinating to hear the keynote from John Noble, the ex-NCSC Director. His strategy aligned with what we are doing, so that felt reassuring.”
Thierry Delaitre, Head of IT Developments, University of Westminster

Watch video highlights – CISO Exchange & QSC 2022

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